Do you know how much money you have? You know, that thing you spend a bunch of just to live? You probably have an idea, even if it's "zero," "negative," or "not enough" - you can probably guess close to how much you have.
What about your time? You know, that thing you are literally spending every minute of every day? You probably don't know - especially since most people think of "how much time" as "how long until I die."
Let's forget that morbid total for a sec, and focus on the day, week, and year - which is how most of us live our lives. Day after day, on a mostly weekly schedule, with annual events that mark the passage of time.
How much time do you have today? How many free hours do you have this week? What does that look like over the course of a year?
I know it doesn't feel like it, but you probably have more time than you think - possibly a lot more. For example, an hour each weekday plus 5 hours each weekend is over 500 hours in a year. In other words, you could probably find close to 500 hours in your couch cushions.
There's a saying in business, "Watch the pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves."
You're spending your time just like you're spending your dollars, so watch your minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.
We built Slaytime to make it easy to watch your minutes and help you invest your hours.
Until next time, slay!