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It's Not Just You - Time Management Is Broken

How many places do you have to look to figure out what you need to do? 

Between calendars, to-do lists, project management tools, notes, and all the other places (including your overloaded head), it seems like we spend more time figuring out what to do than actually doing it.

Part of this is by design - the software industry is great at providing "solutions" that only solve part of your problem, while creating another one.  This leads to selling a solution to the new problem, and the cycle starts all over again.

If you work for an organization that uses a project management tool, your problem is even worse. Every tool vendor sells your organization a seat, and then your information isn't yours, so you keep private stuff someplace else - or many places.

What if you owned and controlled your information and could choose which parts of it were shared with others?

Even better, what if someone believed in this idea so much that you could do that for free?

That's why we built Slaytime - so you can focus on you and control how you share your time and availability with others. Give it a shot, and start fixing something you've probably felt has been broken for a long time.

Until next time, slay!