Productivity is less about what you do and more about what you don't do.
Most people think of productivity as "doing as much as possible" - a recipe for disaster that yields a double batch.
Productivity is about getting the right things done; at least, that's the loud part.
The quiet part is that doing the wrong things often takes the time and energy we should be spending on the right things.
Have you ever gotten to the end of a day and feel like you've gotten nothing done? You were probably busy, and now you're tired, but you feel unproductive, and there's a good chance you were unproductive. The good news is that I don't want you to do more - I want you to do less and become more productive.
There are a bazillion books and sayings about this that all boil down to one key practice: Decide what is important to you and make sure you work on that first. Put your time and energy towards what you've declared important, make consistent progress, and use the rest of your time however you like. The same way that filling up on healthy food keeps you from eating unhealthy food, working on important things pushes out a lot of the time spent on unimportant things. As you do this, you'll find that a lot of what you spent your time doing to avoid the important things fades away and you end up doing less and accomplishing more.
I'm not recommending that you starve - just that you eat your time veggies first and then choose what else you want.
Until next time, slay!